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Experiential learning

Martijn Driessen

Serious gaming is based on experience-based learning, or learning through experience, a way of learning that you have used a lot as a child. It is the way in which you learn to walk and ride a bike, for example. But how does experience-based learning actually work?

The American educational psychologist David Kolb, after much research on experiential learning, developed the Experiential Learning Model (ELM), which makes experiential learning practically applicable.

The learning cycle that belongs to experiential learning consists of four steps and starts when you experience something new or come across an unknown situation. After the situation or experience, there is a first moment of reflection in which you acknowledge what has happened. What have I experienced? After acknowledging, you give meaning to the experience. This includes the question: What does this mean for me? By giving meaning to the experience, you often come to new insights. In the final step of the learning cycle, you make the new knowledge practical and applicable, so that you can experiment with it.

You probably know it yourself: knowledge acquired from an experience sticks better than knowledge acquired from a presentation or book. This is because an experience creates a higher level of involvement. It also means that you can use games or game methods for learning interventions, which is exactly what serious gaming is.

By playing a serious game, we create an accelerated learning cycle in a simulated game environment. In a serious game, you experience something, often with your team. Together with a facilitator, you then look back on the experience and give it meaning. This results in new tangible insights or learning goals that you can then experiment with during your work.

Curious how you can use serious games? Contact us or check out our games.


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